Sonntag, 31. Juli 2011

I found you, my dear

This week wasn't very special. I did my beautiful job at the kindergarten and on friday night, I was at a water show with light and laser and fire and fire work - it was amazing! And on saturday night, I was at the birthday party of a friend who turned 18. We were sitting in the garden with camp fire and played "truth or responsibility". It was really fun and me and another friend made all the good mood.

|Read| "Picture Perfect" by Jodi Picoult and fanfiction
|Done| Tidy up my room
|Eaten| crabbes
|Thought| Never again such an bad dream!
|Been glad| About my life assurance which saved my New Zealand-Plan financially
|Wished| Better times, better weather!
|Planned| The concert next weekend
|Bought| Three books - two for 1.99€ and one for 3.50€
|Seen| Harry Potter 1, 2 and 3

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